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St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Cathedral welcomes donations to help support our church and community. Donations go toward the expenses and upkeep of our church and hall.


We are a registered charity: Donations are eligible for tax credits. (Visit for details.)  Tax receipts will be issued at the end of the Church fiscal year.


Payment options include cheque, cash, or feel free to use the PayPal link below.


Cheques payable to:

"St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Cathedral"

Let’s keep our community thriving! We appreciate your support.

*Please note that if you donate via the PayPal link below, PayPal issues Proof of Payment only. Official tax receipts will be issued by our church board.

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St. Nicholas Serbian
Orthodox Cathedral
149 Nash Rd S, Hamilton, ON L8K 4J9

© 2024 All Rights Reserved. Saint Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral.

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