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St. Nicholas
Church School

Since 1965, St. Nicholas Church School has been a proud organization within St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Cathedral on Nash Road. With over 170 children most recently enrolled, we invite you to become a part of our community. With dedicated clergy, teachers, and volunteers, we provide a safe and welcoming opportunity for children in the community to explore and learn about their Serbian Orthodox faith and heritage. 


We hold classes every Friday night between 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm during the school year. We accept students from junior kindergarten to grade eight. Classes are held in the hall adjacent to the church with equipped classrooms and supplies.


Our curriculum focuses on our Orthodox religion, as well as the Serbian language, history, culture, and the Cyrillic alphabet. Our teachers work closely with the children, using lesson plans and activities to teach weekly topics. We incorporate special traditions around holidays such as Christmas, Easter and Slava. We encourage parents, grandparents and caregivers to support learning by reading and writing with their children during the week. 


Our clergy dedicate their time to teach our children biblical stories, church etiquette and tradition during the religious portion of the school evening. 


In addition to weekly lessons, children can enjoy community outings to local historic sites, museums, theme parks and picnics.


If you are interested in having your child enrolled, please join us the first Friday in September, or any Friday throughout the school year between 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm in our lower church hall. You can also feel free to contact us via email at

Sveti Sava

Saint Sava Day

The Serbian Orthodox Church celebrates the day of its first archbishop, the founder of state and school - Saint Sava. All schools in Serbia, Republika Srpska, the Serbian Diaspora, and the Serbian Orthodox Church celebrate Savindan, the day of St. Sava.

St. Sava was the first Serbian archbishop, saint, and enlightener. Sveti Sava is considered to be the beginner of Serbian medieval literature and therefore is the protector of educational institutions.


Sveti Sava established an independent - autocephalous Serbian Orthodox Church in 1219. He wrote "Nomokanon" (1220) and "The Synod of Orthodoxy" (1221) which are legal and spiritual pillars of Serbian statehood.


In 1823, Prince Miloš Obrenović ordered that St. Sava Day be celebrated as a school Slava in Serbia.


In 1840, Atanasije Nikolic, Rector of Licea in Kragujevac, decided that his school would celebrate St. Sava Day on January 27th as school Slava. 

Saint Sava Day is also celebrated at our Church school in Hamilton and is attended by priests, faithful parishioners, students, their parents, relatives, and numerous guests. The revenues gained through this event are used to improve the education of our students. 

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