Our Church History
Saint Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
of Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Canada
Dear faithful people, you are the most beautiful ornament of our sanctuary. Believers attend every service and pronounce their prayers to the Merciful Lord to have them heard. This is the basic mission and designation of our Church and we need to emphasize our spiritual progress along with the everyday material possessions in our lives. Through prayer and worship, sacraments, tips, and interviews with priests, believers find comfort and a way of overcoming a variety of temptations and challenges to which they are exposed day to day.
We pray to the Lord our Saviour and St. Father Nicholas to strengthen us and make us wiser in order to work better and progress farther. To give us unity and strength, courage, peace, faith, hope, and love, so that we can better witness and understand our Orthodox faith.
Through great efforts and sacrifice, in 1913 a small group of Serbs created the first of the Church School Congregation (CSC) in Eastern Canada. A few had managed to collect enough money to buy the land at the corner of Beach and Northcott Steet in Hamilton and to build a small church dedicated to St. Father Nicholas. The descendants of those early settlers, as well as other Hamilton Serbs who had adopted Canada as their new home, decided in December 1963 to build a magnificent new temple in the glory of God and have it also named after St. Father Nicholas. They also agreed that our CSC be in full canonical and administrative unity with the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade, whose jurisdiction it comes under.
Words of action had finally become actualized. In June 1964 we began the construction of our Church and hall. Digging the foundations began on October 5th, 1964, and the consecration of the foundation was made on November 8th of the same year. Finally, this beautiful temple; a symbol of sacrifice and renunciation of Orthodox Hamilton Serbs was consecrated on June 20th, 1965, our anniversary.
Through the great efforts of the faithful Serbian people, we have successfully overcome numerous problems in the life and work of the St. Nicholas Church community. The mortgage has been paid off and a parish house built. Our Holy Temple is a vivid place, to say the least. Even during the ordeals of the war in the homeland, we as an organization rushed to the aid of the suffering people of Serbia and Bosnia and Hercegovina, sending our assistance, accepting and helping those who had come from war-torn areas.
The desire for progress made for a step forward in yet another major project. This was, of course, the expansion of the Church property. A new copper roof has been installed on our Holy Temple, Serbian school classrooms have been refurbished, and we continue to fundraise in the hope of renovating and maintaining our Church and hall. With faith in God, a great determination to succeed, and the commitment and effort of each individual, our community has achieved large and noticeable results.

Освештавање Саборног храма на Духове 1965.